The Minimum Viable Product (MVP): the Best Strategy for New Products and Competitive Markets

The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a strategy used above all in Lean Startups for the development of products with minimum budgets. However, we believe that large companies can also benefit from this process, in several aspects that we will illustrate to you.

Why should you consider using the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) within the strategic design process of you product?

If you want to explore a new competitive market, a new product category, and want to test the product before launch, the Minimum Viable Product allows you to do so with a minimum investment, reducing risk.
Suitable for small budgets and for a high investment risk, with the MVP it is possible to test the minimum real functional characteristics of the product and its feasibility.

We think of the Minimum Viable Product as a real but basic product, above all functional, which allows you to receive feedbacks from the target audience in a certain period of time, so that the market itself validates its functionality.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Method

This allows not only to accelerate the learning phase of the product about what the customer wants, but also to save time and resources in all phases of the project: from the development of the minimum functionalities of the product before launch, to the development of the complete final product, consequently speeding up its arrival on the market.

The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) puts the user at the center of the design process, guaranteeing the company and investors valuable usage informations to improve the product, without having to use enormous resources in its complete development.

It consists of creating the simplest and most functional product that you can test to see if it works, even before developing it.

The goal is to establish whether or not it is good to invest in the development of the product created, reassuring investors, companies and teams.

As part of our design process, we propose and suggest to startups and companies the use of a MVP strategy, creating the minimum product to be tested on the market on site, also through the 3D printing equipment we have.

Example of a real MVP, recently realized by ZAAFDesign 

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